
benefits Files

Kids-e-files are advanced heat-treated rainbow rotary files used for effective and efficient root canal preparation for primary teeth. The rainbow file is designed for debris removal, cutting efficiency, and safety. Innovative heat treatment and surface therapy of premium quality nickel-titanium alloy results in high flexibility and durability at the same time.

benefits Files
benefits Kids-e-Files
    • Rainbow surface treatment results in reduced crack propagation tendency thus improving resistance to cyclic fatigue.
    • It has a triangular-shaped cross section. This results in very high flexibility. The files can easily negotiate and prepare curved root canals.
    • The innovative design results in the transportation of debris up the canal and decreases preparation time.
    • It has inactive tip design that allows safe preparation, minimizing the risk of perforations and zipping.
    • Variable pitch design over the length results in better mechanical resistance, and reduce the risk of tip fracture
    ealer Feature

Rainbow Surface Technology

    • It is a three-stage heat treatment, first treating the darkest blue area, when the temperature will be high. Then it deals with its gold areas, and finally, it deals with other areas such as purple, orange, and so on.
    • The whole file is divided into three sections and its heat treatment is completed in different periods of time.
    • The temperature of the tip treatment is the highest and it means that this area of the tip 3 mm is the riskiest and most prone to instrument separation becoming safer.
    • Therefore, the rainbow file is designed with both cutting force and safety
    ealer Feature

How to use


benefits Kids-e-Files



Common Queries

What are the contra indications for use e-SDF?

-Kids-e-Files is a premixed bioactive bioceramic endodontic sealer consisting of an extremely fine, inorganic powder of tricalcium/dicalcium silicate. The product is packaged ready-to-use.

What are the Precautions for Handling?

– e-MTA putty is ready to use MTA cement which has all indications of MTA cement like apexification, pulp capping, pulpotomy, furcation repair and root resorption repair. Whereas Kids-e-Files is a root canal sealer with flowable consistency used along with Gutta purcha points in endodontic treatment of permanent teeth.

What are the side effects of use of e-SDF?

-NO. Moisture is required for setting of the sealer, supplied by the dentinal tubules and apical tissues. Clean & shape the canals and remove the smear layer. Remove pooled irrigants or excessive moisture from surrounding tissues with absorbent points.

How should you store e-SDF?

-Kids-e-Files releases calcium and hydroxide ions from the MTA, promoting hydroxyapatite (HA) formation on the MTA surfaces to enhance sealing and support healing. It resin-free for maximum bioactivity. Zirconium oxide as a radio-opacifier makes it bioactive and non-staining.

When one should use e-SDF?

-Working time is 30-40 minutes. Setting starts as soon as the material gets moisture. Setting time is 9-11 hours.

How deep does it Penetrate?

Use conventional instrumentation, including hand/rotary files and ultrasonic instrument tips, to remove the sealer if it was placed with one or more gutta percha points.

How much can you use?

-Keep the syringe in the aluminum pouch in cool dry place. Do not refrigerate.
